Betekenis van:
decimal fraction

decimal fraction
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • a proper fraction whose denominator is a power of 10





    1. Numbers containing a decimal fraction shall be rounded off to the next lower or higher whole number according to whether the decimal fraction is greater or less than 0,5.
    2. Where the decimal fraction is 0,5, the number shall be rounded off to the next higher or lower whole number according to whether the digit preceding the decimal point is an even or an odd number.
    3. For uranium enriched 1 per cent or greater in the isotope uranium-235, the element weight in grammes multiplied by the square of its enrichment expressed as a decimal weight fraction;
    4. The statements mentioned in point (e) of the first paragraph shall be expressed in kilograms of uranium or thorium contained in respect of ores and source materials, and in grams in respect of uranium-233, or uranium-235 or plutonium contained in respect of special fissile materials. Numbers containing a decimal fraction shall be rounded off to the next lower or higher whole number according to whether the decimal fraction is greater or less than 0,5.
    5. For uranium enriched 1 per cent or greater in the isotope uranium-235, the element weight in grammes multiplied by the square of its enrichment expressed as a decimal weight fraction; c. For uranium enriched below 1 per cent in the isotope uranium-235, the element weight in grammes multiplied by 0,0001;
    6. For plutonium isotopes and uranium-233, the isotope weight in grammes; b. For uranium enriched 1 per cent or greater in the isotope uranium-235, the element weight in grammes multiplied by the square of its enrichment expressed as a decimal weight fraction;
    7. Where the application of the proportional reduction provided for in Article 130(4) of Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 gives a number of eligible animals which is less than a whole number, there shall be granted in respect of the decimal part a corresponding fraction of the unit amount of the slaughter premium.
    8. Where the application of the proportional reduction provided for in Article 123(4) of Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 gives a number of eligible animals which is less than a whole number, there shall be granted in respect of the decimal part a corresponding fraction of the unit amount of the premium.
    9. for plutonium isotopes and uranium-233, the isotope weight in grammes; b. for uranium enriched 1 per cent or greater in the isotope uranium-235, the element weight in grammes multiplied by the square of its enrichment expressed as a decimal weight fraction;
    10. Where the application of the proportional reduction referred to in the second subparagraph of Article 129(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 gives a number of eligible animals which is less than a whole number, there shall be granted in respect of the decimal part a corresponding fraction of the unit amount of the premium and, where applicable, of the additional national premium referred to in Article 104 and of the extensification payment referred to in Article 118. For this purpose account shall be taken of the first decimal place only.
    11. Where the application of the proportional reduction referred to in the second subparagraph of Article 129(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 gives a number of eligible animals which is less than a whole number, there shall be granted in respect of the decimal part a corresponding fraction of the unit amount of the premium and, where applicable, of the additional national premium referred to in Article 104 and of the extensification payment referred to in Article 118.
    12. For uranium enriched 1 per cent or greater in the isotope uranium-235, the element weight in grammes multiplied by the square of its enrichment expressed as a decimal weight fraction; c. For uranium enriched below 1 per cent in the isotope uranium-235, the element weight in grammes multiplied by 0,0001; "Electronic assembly" (2 3 4 5) means a number of electronic components (i.e., 'circuit elements', 'discrete components', integrated circuits, etc.) connected together to perform (a) specific function(s), replaceable as an entity and normally capable of being disassembled.
    13. for uranium enriched 1 per cent or greater in the isotope uranium-235, the element weight in grammes multiplied by the square of its enrichment expressed as a decimal weight fraction; c. for uranium enriched below 1 per cent in the isotope uranium-235, the element weight in grammes multiplied by 0,0001; "Electronic assembly" (2 3 4 5) means a number of electronic components (i.e., "circuit elements", "discrete components", integrated circuits, etc.) connected together to perform (a) specific function(s), replaceable as an entity and normally capable of being disassembled.
    14. For uranium enriched 1 per cent or greater in the isotope uranium-235, the element weight in grammes multiplied by the square of its enrichment expressed as a decimal weight fraction; c. For uranium enriched below 1 per cent in the isotope uranium-235, the element weight in grammes multiplied by 0,0001; "Electronic assembly" (3 4 5) means a number of electronic components (i.e., 'circuit elements', 'discrete components', integrated circuits, etc.) connected together to perform (a) specific function(s), replaceable as an entity and normally capable of being disassembled.
    15. For uranium enriched 1 per cent or greater in the isotope uranium-235, the element weight in grammes multiplied by the square of its enrichment expressed as a decimal weight fraction; c. For uranium enriched below 1 per cent in the isotope uranium-235, the element weight in grammes multiplied by 0,0001; "Electronic assembly" (2 3 4 5) means a number of electronic components (i.e., ’circuit elements’, ’discrete components’, integrated circuits, etc.) connected together to perform (a) specific function(s), replaceable as an entity and normally capable of being disassembled. N.B. 1:’Circuit element’: a single active or passive functional part of an electronic circuit, such as one diode, one transistor, one resistor, one capacitor, etc. N.B. 2:’Discrete component’: a separately packaged ’circuit element’ with its own external connections.